So here is a little background...I was born in Nigeria to an American mom & Nigerian dad, moved back and forth from there to the U.S. almost every Year...spent the bulk of my time in Buffalo, NY and then later on moved to Maryland from Nigeria for good in the summer of 1994. Okay great. Let's Fast forward to the hip hop sh**.
I got into a really bad accident on my Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle on August, 2nd 2003 couldn't walk anymore and was ordered by docs to stay off of work and in therapy for 6 I rediscovered my love for hip hop. I was always behind the scenes of another artist, but this time I was writing so much, and the TV stayed stuck onto MTV Jams on the flat screen, that I had no other choice but to get jiggy wit it!
So anyway, a potentially-long-story-short; I could walk again (YAY! But I missed the cane, not the walker) and I recorded heavy. BUT I was still supporting/pushing other artists along with me Tai Slumz, D. White, DJ Doc Rok, ReAce, YoungFlo, Summer Cipriano and many many many more all along the years they came and went for some reason or the other...most of whom I'm still friends with, 1 or 2 we had major beef, and many more still just fell off of the face of the earth....thus being epitome of "a waste of my complete time"
So what does this all mean? Well I have a weakness, I like to help people (I think this came from my Nigerian side of me)...but there comes a point, or limit where you gotta cut your boys off and take care of YOU...especially when they don't want to be serious or sign a committment or agreement between you and them for business' sake. Or if they rather invest $600.00 in a weekend on bottles and weed, instead of $600.00 a month for studio time and CD duplications etc.
So along comes my conjecture, not a fact, that in the DMV area we have a high percentage of non-serious minded individuals that embark on a dream and jump blindly into situations with no hesitation nor convictions about what their future may hold. In turn, not taking into consideration those that may have helped them along the way. Now this is all my opinion, and food for thought. But if you've walked where I've walked, and seen what I've seen. Then you'd understand where I am coming from. And by no means am I in anyway discounting everyone. There are many individuals in some camps that go above and beyond their dreams and aspirations with their mere drive, determination and Hustle like the Wale's and Tabi Bonneys, this is why they are doing shows and getting endorsements from everywhere. It is sad that I had Ed Hardy and Stall&Dean (Shout out to Rikers in N.Y.C) sponsor me as I wore their clothing in the video below, before a local clothing company in the D.M.V. would even respond back (I had to almost BEG Schmack to endorse me and I wasn't even asking for Free Clothing)
It get's worse when you reach out to your fellow artists, blogs, and other hip hop outlets and they don't reciprocate the love. I know it ain't the music, because there is so much sub-par garbage piling up, that sometimes these same people put it out there for the public to see it. Such an eye-sore!
So to re-iterate my intent on this blog...fellow artists, I can relate when the successful one's get 'hated on' even though they have tried to reach out and help with other artists. When it comes down to it, in regards to oneself and at the end of the day you've gotta HUSTLE OR BE HUSTLED!
King Kan ---> Just an opinion and topic for debate, collaborative elaboration and rebuttle.