So I tried to stay on the Music and Arts tip because some of the fellas said I was getting soft with all the relationship talk on the blog. But I had to come back to it again with a recent conversation I had with a friend. Like I stated earlier in a blog: a new year is equivalent to new beginnings, new endeavors etc. So revisiting things in the past can be immensly detrimental. (especially damaged projects, people, perspectives).
"But what if?"
Well, what if,
What if the moons, stars and the planets are perfectly aligned with each other, and all parameters were good, a fail-safe switched put in place and blah blah blah...what then?
Then you take a personal risk...amongst other things.
But ultimately it is up to you to make that decision. Do you want to risk going backwards and potentially wasting time and energy unless it is worth it?
When is it worth it? When it's something or someone you love and/or can't do without.
And how can you tell when you have a person like this. Here's a test:
If you can't stop thinking about a person, and almost everything you do or say or smells reminds you of them and if you think about them when you are with someone else, then one of two things must happen, you must get some sort of closure, or you still have intense subdued feelings for them.
Some Scenarios:
Maybe an ex that ended up in Jail, or relocated for some reason (job, new relationship, change)....maybe they evolved ways while locked up or while removed from what he/she knew from before.
Or maybe a daughter that was super wild and out of control....maybe she went into the army, went overseas and shaped her act up.
Or maybe it's an idea you had for a businuess... couldn't get the backers or investors you needed because you didn't have the right knowledge at the time....maybe you went and studied and hired resources that helped gain investors etc
All the above are scenarios of "what if's" on the positive end for you...
But what if it's too late?
I for one never like to rush into things because you never want to get stuck with something you are not prepared for. It's kinda like going into battle with the wrong type of resources and getting stomped or stuck (circa Vietnam and Afghanistan). I know some others that may rush because they feel that their time is running out, or that they have learnt from a previous relationship and that they are capable to figure indescrepancies out. But it's not always the case.
I say, once again never assume (
refer back to this blog).
At the end of the day, you're going to have to do what's right for you because if you don't love yourself or treat yourself the way you want to be loved and treated, then the next man, woman or thing won't.
So, I say go back to the future (or the past lol) if it's divinely worth it. If not, keep your tunnel vision focused on a happier future and never turn back to what was lost in the past....cut off all ties.
A quote to live by: "It's easy to get lost, but very hard to find your way back"
That's why GOD is my map and guide. Cheers.
I hope this helps you ;)